
The farm is within Environmentally Sensitive areas and all operations are carefully conducted to ensure minimum impact on the environment. Each year for the last 30 years, around 4 acres of trees have been planted and nearly 250 acres of land have purposely been taken out of production to allow natural habitat areas to thrive. The farm is home to many rare species of bird, including Skylark, Stone Curlew, Grey Partridge and Lapwing.

Tree planting has been carried out over the last 30 years under the Farm Woodland Grant Scheme, at a rate of approximately 4 acres per year. We also maintain between 20 to 30 miles of hedges and extend the hedging around the farm each year with new planting.

Farmland birds
Working closely with ornithologist Allan Hale, regular wild bird surveys are conducted on and around Snailspit Farm. The farm is found to have considerably better than average results with regards to rare and declining species including Skylark, Stone Curlew, Grey Partridge, Lapwing and many more. Surveys also confirm the farm has a healthy population of the more common species. A flock of 95 Woodlark were seen feeding on the ESA winter stubbles; this was found to be an unprecendented gathering by national standards. The RSPB have informed us of 6 nesting sites of the Stone Curlew on our land and our ornithologist continues to conduct surveys each year.

Heygate Farms is a LEAF Marque company, committed to improving agriculture and the environment.

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